Heroes & Monsters of the Necropolis: Tokens & Avatars for Virtual Tabletops

Heroes & Monsters of the Necropolis: Tokens & Avatars for Virtual Tabletops


Welcome to the Necropolis! “Heroes & Monsters of the Necropolis” contains 30 full-color tokens and avatars by fantasy artist Amanda Kahl that can be used for scenarios involving any sort of burial ground, including three different sarcophagi, a half-dozen heroes, a creepy wizard, a mummy, a beautiful ghost, bunches of snakes, a three-headed skeletal dog, and a bronze golem.

These tokens and avatars also tie in with author Michael O. Varhola’s fantasy novels Swords of Kos: Necropolis and Swords of Kos: Return to the Necropolis and with the Swords of Kos Fantasy Campaign Setting overall.

These tokens and avatars are system-free and can be used for any sort of fantasy roleplaying games and in a wide variety of virtual tabletop programs, including the popular Roll20 interface. Avatars and man-sized tokens are 300 x 300 pixels and formatted to conform to 1-inch squares, while the size-large tokens are 600 x 600 pixels and designed to conform to a 2-inch square area. 

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