USSMC FM 7-22: Space Boarding Operations

USSMC FM 7-22: Space Boarding Operations


In 2089, the universe is a cold, dangerous place and it’s up to the U.S. Space Marine Corps to secure the safety and security of U.S. interests in outer space through cutting edge tactics, training, and an armory full of high-tech firepower.

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Also available in print!

USSMC FM 7-22: Space Boarding Operations is a military-style field manual designed to read like an actual U.S. Space Marine Corps guide to boarding hostile spacecraft in 2089. Its author, Lt. Col. Oliver Cass, is a retired U.S. Army officer experienced in both real-world operations and manual writing. It is a fascinating read that can be used in conjunction with any sci-fi roleplaying or miniatures game and includes:

  • A complete background on the universe of 2089.

  • Detailed, room-to-room combat tactics for boarding and securing a starship.

  • Instructions for multiple training scenarios.

Lock and load, marine! It's time for a bug hunt.

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