Cooper’s Compendium of Corrected Creatures: OGL Monster Stats E – K (Eagle, Giant – Krenshar)

Cooper’s Compendium of Corrected Creatures: OGL Monster Stats E – K (Eagle, Giant – Krenshar)


Are your game’s Fire Elementals a bit dim-witted? Are your Elves not as stealthy as they should be? Are your Formian Myrmarchs markedly unskilled? These are just a few of the monsters in the SRD that have errors in their stat blocks, bringing their mistakes into your game. But now Cooper’s Compendium of Corrected Creatures fixes the problems you didn’t even know your monsters had.

This critical new series of books by ENWorld staff reviewer and 3.5 rules guru John Cooper presents thoroughly revised and corrected stats for the myriad creatures in the v.3.5 SRD. Features of Cooper’s Compendium of Corrected Creatures: OGL Monster Stats E – K (Eagle, Giant – Krenshar) include:

* Corrected stats for all the monsters in the E – K sections of the v.3.5 SRD that address often-overlooked elements like skill synergy bonuses, size modifiers, and shapechanging abilities.

* A full 28 stat blocks for OGL creatures described or referred to in the SRD but not given statistics there, five under the Elf entry, one each under the Gargoyle, Genie, Ghoul, Giant, and Gnome entries, two under the Halfling entry, and 16 under the Hydra entry.

* Improved organization of material, especially items not listed in the proper order.

* “Cooper’s Comments” sidebars throughout explaining particular changes and giving guidance on how to effectively reflect them in the game. This book and the series of which it is part are designed to be an invaluable resource for OGL game masters, players, and publishers alike. It is fully bookmarked and designed to be printer-friendly and easy-to-use. Incorporating all official errata as well as corrections for errors that went unnoticed until now, this book presents the monsters from the SRD as they should be. Fix up your foes and run a better game with Cooper’s Compendium of Corrected Creatures!

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