'Wisdom from the Wastelands' #46: High-Tech Weapons 4

'Wisdom from the Wastelands' #46: High-Tech Weapons 4


In this issue, the fourth installment of our popular “weapons for every budget and apocalypse” series, we are proud to present more high-tech implements of destruction for your gaming pleasure. There are new laser weapon variants, tools to make an assassin drool, and even a little baby designed to pop the hardest armor and heaviest shields on the Ancient battlefields. So suit up, buckle in, and set the trigger select to “Mayhem” — ’cause it’s a mean old world out there!

This publication is dedicated to providing useful information, game content, and ideas to players of modern, science fiction, and post-apocalyptic table-top and role-playing games in general and to fans of Goblinoid Games’ Mutant Future retroclone of classic Gamma World in particular. The rules contained herein are compatible with it and any others that use the “Basic” OGL/d20 RPG system.

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'Wisdom from the Wastelands' #33: Drugs
