'Wisdom from the Wastelands' #31: Nanotechnology III

'Wisdom from the Wastelands' #31: Nanotechnology III


Continuing with the examination of this hi-tech subject that we started in issues #28: Nanotechnology I and #30: Nanotechnology II of Wisdom from the Wastelands, this third installment in our nanotechnology series presents many new nanites and a new terror weapon, the Converted, that Mutant Lords can unleash upon their players. Nanotechnology has existed since the late 20th century. At first, the tiny machines were used mostly in medicine and genetic manipulation, but technological advances brought wider application. Many of these breakthroughs helped make the Ancients’ lives easier, but others became microscopic dogs of war, let slip to wreak havoc and destruction.

 This publication is dedicated to providing useful information, game content, and ideas to players of modern, science fiction, and post-apocalyptic table-top and role-playing games in general and to fans of Goblinoid Games’ Mutant Future retroclone of classic Gamma World in particular. The rules contained herein are compatible with it and any others that use the “Basic” OGL/d20 RPG system.

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Creatures of the Wastelands: Random Encounters

The Living Building

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'Wisdom from the Wastelands" #51: Mutated Animal/Plant Genotypes

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