Creatures of the Tropical Wastes (A Menagerie of Mutants & Mutations)

Creatures of the Tropical Wastes (A Menagerie of Mutants & Mutations)


Creatures of the Tropical Wastes is a thematic collection of monsters and mutations for post-apocalyptic, sci-fi, and fantasy RPGs that is fully compatible with Mutant Future, Labyrinth Lord, and other games that use the familiar and easy-to-use “Basic D&D” rules. It includes:

* A Foreword by Derek Holland, author of several licensed Mutant Future sourcebooks.

* 50 new creatures, including the mysterious Ahas Folk, the insidious Egret Puppeteer, and the fearsome War Baboy.

* 30 new mutations, including numerous Plant mutations.

* Official Mutant Future Poison and Radiation Tables for convenience of reference.

* Original illustrations by fantasy artist Sharon Daugherty.

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