Creatures of the Wastelands: Mutational Evolution

Creatures of the Wastelands: Mutational Evolution


“Creatures of the Wastelands: Mutational Evolution” is a guide to developing a more vibrant post-apocalyptic campaign setting by constructing families of related mutants, and is full of both suggestions and examples of how Game Masters can accomplish this. “Mutational Evolution” is compatible with Mutant Future and classic Gamma World, as well as Labyrinth Lord and other games that use the OGL/d20 system.

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This book includes:

* A Foreword by Mutant Future role-playing game creator Daniel Proctor.

* Four different sample families of mutants — including the House Sparrows, Stinging Nettles, Feather Shrubs, and Giant Yellowjackets — that trace their mutational evolution through as many as seven different generations of mutation and which can serve as templates for storytellers who wish to create their own families of mutants.

* More than 100 new creatures within the four families, including the Ruin Dweller house sparrow, a selection of Stinging Nettles for every environment, the martial Green Warrior feather shrub, and some of the most bizarre outcomes of Yellowjacket mutational evolution conceivable.

* A how-to section of essays explaining how to implement the processes used to create the sample families and monsters for other creatures and settings of the storyteller’s own choosing.

* Several new mutations associated with the creatures presented in this book.

* Detailed family trees that show the relationships between the members of the four sample families that can serve as examples for Games Masters who opt to create their own families of mutants.

* Original illustrations by fantasy artist Dragan Ciric.

This book is fully bookmarked and designed to be printer-friendly and easy-to-use.

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