'Wisdom from the Wastelands' #12: Parasite Mutations/Transformations

'Wisdom from the Wastelands' #12: Parasite Mutations/Transformations


Gut worms and intestinal bacteria, athlete’s foot fungus, toxoplasmosis protozoa, lycanthropy and Rage and vampire viruses. Whether biological fact or fictional terror, we are surrounded (and colonized) by parasitic lifeforms, some of which evolved to become a necessary part of us — while others affect our behavior, or become our nightmares. This issue of “Wisdom from the Wastelands” is devoted to parasite mutations and transformations, an evolutionary step in the concept of symbionts bonding with hosts.

This publication is dedicated to providing useful information, game content, and ideas to players of modern, science fiction, and post-apocalyptic table-top and role-playing games in general and to fans of Goblinoid Games’ Mutant Future retroclone of classic Gamma World in particular. The rules contained herein are compatible with it and any others that use the “Basic” OGL/d20 RPG system.

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